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Clear River, Calm Sea 河清海晏A group show in the frame of CHINA TIME 202222 November - 11 December 20

Clear River, Calm Sea 河清海晏

A group show in the frame of CHINA TIME 2022

22 November - 11 December 2022

Opening: 21 November 7 pm

Hauptkirche St. Katharinen

Katharinenkirchhof 1, 20457 Hamburg

The group show Clear River, Calm Sea 河清海晏explores the relationship between the

individual, nature, and society against the backdrop of the global climate crisis in the age of

the Anthropocene. How can humans, caught between a longing return to nature and the

realization of the devastating state of the environment, redefine their role as part of the

natural order? Through sound and video installation, photography, painting, and sculpture, a

poetic narrative emerges that creates an emotional connection to the individual experience

of nature using multisensory activation.

Clear River, Calm Sea is curated by Bettina Freimann and hosted by HIPPOCAMPUS KULTURPROJEKTE UG. It is a part of CHINA TIME 2022 and is sponsored by the Hamburg Ministry of Culture and Media.


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